Tuesday, September 15, 2009

President Obama Calls Kanye West A "Jackass"

Wow, as if the entire world hasn't already had their two cents to say about Kanye West situation, what surprises me the most is that President Barack Obama commented on it?? What has the world come too? Apparently, the comments were suppose to be off records where President Obama called Kanye a jackass! I'm not sure if I think that it was his place to make a comment! Especially, since healthcare reform is such a prevalent issue! People let's get our priorities togeĆ¾her! I'm praying for Kanye! Let's recognize when someone needs help, stop judging so harshly!



Anonymous said...

I think too often we forget that the President is human just like us. He has opinions just like us. He should be able to express those opinions just like us.

I personally don't see anything wrong with that comment. He's saying what many wanted to say. Just because he's the President they're going to place more emphasis on it.

MezmerEyezzeD said...

It's not that his comment was the issue. The issue is the way he said and timing! Either way the media is blowing this out of proportion