Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Okay, ladies and gentlemen I'm back, sorry for the absence.

I'm sure by now everyone has heard about the Tiger Woods' scandal and of course, Shaq's very intimate (and high school like) with Gilbert Arenas' fiance. Poor Tiger, each and every day more mistresses keep coming out the woods work claiming that they slept with him. These women look quite sad and pathetic. Why, you may ask? These women knew their roles and knew that they were simply MISTRESSES. And of course, they knew that Tiger was married with children but did that stop them from pursuing the affair? Nope. And before you say, that I'm placing too much blame on the mistresses I am definitely not letting Tiger off the hook. He was messy with this whole situation! He disrespected his wife, his family and his vows. Tiger knew how much he had to lose when dealing with these women and still it didn't stop him from continuing to have not one but up to ten mistresses?

Bottom line, people make mistakes. Regardless of how big or small. Tiger and his family are going through a rough time. And the worst part of it all is that the media has blew this scandal up from day one and will probably not ease up for a long time. I think the media should ease up.... And let Tiger and his wife deal with their own issue.

I said this once and I'll say this before "f*ck being famous..... I'll take the famous bank account any day"

What are your thoughts?

-Mez (I'm back!!)